Monday, August 16, 2010

New T-mobile phones?

I have T-mobile for my phone service and have a blackberry pearl. I am do for an upgrade on my phone and want to purchase the blackberry curve but feel that as soon as i buy that phone T mobile will come out with cooler phones I have to get stuck with that one for the next 2 years before i can upgrade again and get the discount. Im wondering if any of you have heard anything or know of a website that is giving updates on new phones that are coming out on the market. Maybe if I do get some new hints I cant probably wait a little longer to change my phone.. Any info will be appreciated. Thnakd

New T-mobile phones?
the moto rokr e8 is comming in the next week or two, look it up its a great phone. As far as smartphones go not much except the 8820 which is the 8800 with wifi. There are talks about the new pearl comming but thats been delayed indefinatly. Email for more questions, concerns.
Reply:get the t mobile dash its the newest phone they have i think and the cool thing about is that no other phone company has that phone

I know exactly how you feel lol. I wait and wait and then as soon as I have upgraded, something comes out that I would have rather had.

A good website that provides reviews of all the latest and future handsets is:

Hope this helps :)

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